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Making Good in Bad(water) Markets

Two weeks ago I had the distinct pleasure (some may say pain instead of pleasure), of finishing the 135 mile Badwater 135 race, the self-proclaimed “toughest foot-race in the world”, in just under 40 hours. I was supported by an excellent crew that consisted of one elite runner who is a veteran and podium winner in the race, another excellent long-time running friend, my brother, and my wife. For those who don’t know much about this race, it starts at the Badwater Basin (below sea-level) in the aptly named Death Valley, in the middle of summer, usually the hottest day in the hottest place on earth, and finishes at Mt. Whitney portal, about 8330 feet above sealevel.”

Many people have heard about this race, even though they do not know or care much about ultra-running, maybe because they have read books by elite ultra-endurance athletes Dean Karnazes or David Goggins.

The full note on this important topic can be downloaded at this link: LTA Thinking – Making Good in Bad(water) Markets